
postheadericon IMPERIAL 72647 V-BAND CLAMP DIA 3.21"

Discount IMPERIAL 72647 V-BAND CLAMP DIA 3.21" Online Shop

you looking for low price IMPERIAL 72647 V-BAND CLAMP DIA 3.21"?

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IMPERIAL 72647 V-BAND CLAMP DIA 3.21" Features

  • Turbo V-Band Clamps.
  • Built to withstand high temperatures produced by heavy-duty engines and turbos.
  • Stainless steel.
  • Nominal Diameter: 3.21"
  • Cross Reference: VT10321.

IMPERIAL 72647 V-BAND CLAMP DIA 3.21" Overview

"IMPERIAL" V-BAND CLAMP Turbo V-Band Clamps. Used to connect a vehicle exhaust pipe flange to the turbo or engine manifold and also may hold the turbo housing flanges. Built to withstand high temperatures produced by heavy-duty engines and turbos. Manufactured to the highest tolerances that meet or exceed OEM specifications for form, fit, and function. Stainless steel. Nominal Diameter: 3.21" Cross Reference: VT10321.

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